Nitrogen Gas in Food Packaging

The actual food product you are creating is only half the battle; you also have to package it in an attractive and effective way. The purpose of food packaging goes far beyond making your product look good: It is responsible for keeping it fresh and minimizing damage in shipping and storage. That’s why most food packaging companies turn to n2 gas. Here is a closer look at why brands use nitrogen gas in food packaging, as well as the main reasons to invest in on site nitrogen gas.

Benefits of Nitrogen Gas in Food Packaging

The main purpose of nitrogen gas in food packaging is to displace the oxygen and fill the air space within the package. All industries and all types of packaging can benefit from nitrogen gas. From cans and bottles to bags and boxes, these are the main benefits of filling your food packaging with nitrogen gas:

  • Your Product Will Have a Longer Shelf Life – Bacteria have to have one thing to survive: oxygen. So, by getting rid of the oxygen and filling the packaging with nitrogen, there is no way for mildew, mold, or other harmful substances to form on your product once it leaves your facility.
  • Your Product Will Maintain Its Quality – Another thing that can destroy your product is moisture. However, when all of the vacant space is full of nitrogen gas, there is no room for the moisture to enter, so you don’t have to worry about it destroying the food.
  • Your Product Will Stay Intact – If you have packaging that leaves no buffer between the food and all of the items it comes into contact with during shipping and storage, you can be sure the product will get broken. However, when you fill the entire container with nitrogen gas, it provides a built-in barrier to keep the food safe from harm.

Why Choose On-Site Nitrogen Gas?

As you can see, using n2 gas in food packaging is an obvious choice. The next clear choice is to invest in your own on-site nitrogen gas system. This way, you can create your own nitrogen gas whenever you need it. You won’t have to deal with the delivery and storage of nitrogen cylinders, and you will never run out of your supply.

At On Site Gas Systems, we are the leading manufacturer of on-site nitrogen gas systems. We can work with you to create a customized n2 gas generator that will help you up your production and reduce the amount of waste your company has to face. To learn more about our on-site nitrogen gas and how it can benefit your food’s packaging, contact us today.

The True Nitrogen Generator Cost: It’s Probably Less Than You Think

If your facility uses nitrogen gas, there is a good chance you have at least considered switching to a nitrogen generator. But if you are like most manufacturers, the first question you have may be what are the real nitrogen generator cost savings? They are probably greater than you realize. Here is a breakdown of the nitrogen generator price after the long-term.

Factors That Impact the Nitrogen Generator Price

The true nitrogen generator cost is much more complex than simply the initial upfront cost. You have to factor in how much you will save when you don’t have to deal with nitrogen cylinders, as well as how the nitrogen generator will impact your efficiency, reduce your waste, and cut back on employee accidents. When including all of these nitrogen generator cost savings, many of our clients recoup the upfront cost of a nitrogen generator within a year, or quicker. Heres a more detailed breakdown:

  • No More Nitrogen Cylinders – Just imagine completely eliminating the never-ending overhead expense of nitrogen cylinders, including the charge for the gas itself, as well as delivery charges, fuel surcharges, tank rental fees, etc. When you have your own nitrogen generator, you can say goodbye to them forever. Once your nitrogen generator is paid for, you will have very little overhead as far as your nitrogen supply is concerned.
  • Less Product Waste – Did you realize that as the nitrogen cylinders are being stored at your facility, they are losing volume? On average, 10% of the tank you paid for may be wasted by the time you use it. Plus, you have to deal with the floor space to store them, which is a waste in itself. With an on-site nitrogen generator, you can make the nitrogen as you need it, so none of it is wasted.
  • Reduce Employee Accidents – Liquid nitrogen is harmfully frigid (its -320 degree Fahrenheit), and, unfortunately, there are sometimes storage leaks with cylinders. This puts employees at risk of burns and skin damage. With your own nitrogen generator, these risks are eliminated.
  • Increase Workplace Efficiency – When you don’t have to worry about the logistics of nitrogen cylinders, and you dont have to risk running out of your supply, your entire operation can run smoother.

As you can see, when looking at the true nitrogen generator costs, the decision to purchase one is a no-brainer. While the upfront capital may seem like a lot, when you break it down and realize how much you will be saving, you can clearly see it is the best long-term decision. To learn more about the real nitrogen generator price, contact us today.