Nitrogen Leak Testing: Why N2 Gas For Leak Detection?

Leaks cause problems in virtually any industrial setting that utilizes pipes. Leaks can lead to lost profits, damaged equipment, extra work, and lost time. Whether you’re working in the automotive industry, in the HVAC industry, or in another industry where leaks can cause problems, nitrogen leak detection can help you identify leaks when they occur.

In many circumstances, a leak test with nitrogen is one of the most efficient ways to find leaks. Nitrogen leak detection is efficient and safe when properly conducted. This article will identify the benefits of nitrogen leak testing, how nitrogen leak testing is conducted, and why a nitrogen leak test is a smart way to identify leaks in many industries.

Basics of Nitrogen Leak Testing

Nitrogen leak testing is the use of nitrogen to identify the location of leaks in an enclosed system. Using a nitrogen leak detector method can help you find leaks where they’re at, and determine when those leaks have been resolved.

Compared with other types of leak testing, nitrogen is cost-effective and accurate. Nitrogen is an inert gas, which means that it’s non-corrosive and non-combustible.

Nitrogen can be used to identify leaks in refrigeration systems, pipelines, newly installed fire sprinkler systems, food processing facilities, and more.

Benefits of Using Nitrogen for Leak Detection

Many businesses use nitrogen for leak detection. Knowing the benefits of nitrogen leak detection can help you decide if this type of leak detection is the right method for your business. Remember that there are many ways that you can identify leaks, so familiarizing yourself with the many options is important.

Nitrogen is Abundant

The Earth’s atmosphere is made up of nearly 80 percent nitrogen, which makes it one of the most common elements on Earth. The natural abundance of nitrogen makes it easy to acquire for most businesses. Nitrogen generators produce nitrogen by taking in the gas in the air and separating the nitrogen from the oxygen and other elements and contaminants.


Nitrogen is overall very safe. It’s non-toxic for people, and in fact, is something that people breathe all the time. Nitrogen is also non-combustible. Compared to gasses like oxygen, this makes nitrogen overall a very safe element to use.

Accuracy and Reliability

A properly conducted nitrogen leak detection test is an accurate way to identify leaks in an enclosed system. To ensure accuracy, it’s important to ensure that anyone who is tasked with leak detection knows how to do it correctly.

Environmental Benefits

Nitrogen is not harmful to the environment, and if produced with a nitrogen generator, collecting nitrogen has a low environmental impact.


Nitrogen is inert, which means that it’s non-reactive with other substances. It’s unlikely to cause corrosion, which puts it in contrast with elements like oxygen.

Industries Where Nitrogen Leak Testing is Crucial

Nitrogen leak testing is crucial to a variety of systems. Below are some of the industries where nitrogen leak detection is common.

  1. HVAC Systems
  2. Automotive Industry
  3. Aerospace and Aviation
  4. Oil and Gas Pipelines

In each one of these industries, the use of nitrogen to detect leaks can help keep equipment in use and can help prevent downtime of important systems.

How Nitrogen Leak Testing Works

There are different methods to perform nitrogen leak testing. First, the portion of the system that is being tested must be isolated from the rest of the system. Next, nitrogen is pushed into the system up to the standard expected pressure. Assuming a range of pressure is acceptable, the system must be tested to the upper limits of the range.

Finally, the edges and connections within the system must be coated in a soapy solution to detect leaks. If there is a leak, the soapy solution will produce more suds in the areas around the leak.

To perform this type of test, you’ll need a source of nitrogen and a soapy solution.

Start Nitrogen Leak Testing Today

Nitrogen leak testing can help you catch leaks where they form before they become unmanageable. When leak testing with nitrogen, it’s important to give the job to workers who have been trained to use nitrogen for leak testing and know how to do it safely.

Using a nitrogen generator can help ensure efficiency and control costs when leak testing. On Site Gas Systems produces nitrogen generators for leak testing and other industrial purposes. Call today to learn more about our PSA nitrogen generators, membrane nitrogen generators, and custom systems for your business.

Nitrogen Generator Maintenance: What To Know Before Owning An N2 Generator

If your business needs a steady supply of nitrogen, a nitrogen generator can make your work easier in a variety of ways. Nitrogen generators cut expenses and provide a steady and constant supply of nitrogen, and reduce your business’ carbon footprint.

Owning a nitrogen generator means performing regular nitrogen generator maintenance. Fortunately, nitrogen generators require minimal maintenance to maintain peak functionality.

Knowing what to expect when your business owns a nitrogen generator, including the maintenance of a nitrogen generator and nitrogen generator maintenance costs can help you decide for yourself whether a nitrogen generator is the best option for your business.

Benefits of Owning a Nitrogen Generator

Nitrogen cylinders are a common source of nitrogen for businesses. However, cylinders present an ongoing cost that can build up over time, eventually costing your business a great deal of money.

Nitrogen cylinders also take up space, need to be changed out as they run out of nitrogen, and do not always produce nitrogen at the desired purity levels for the task at hand. Compared to a nitrogen generator, nitrogen cylinders are expensive as well as an administrative headache.

On-demand nitrogen production has many advantages, including improved safety and environmental considerations. Some benefits of on-demand nitrogen production include:

  • Reduced carbon footprint. Nitrogen cylinders need to be delivered and picked up regularly, requiring fossil fuels to run vehicles. On-demand nitrogen generators only need to be delivered once, which makes them far more eco-friendly.
  • Reduced costs. While nitrogen generators have an upfront cost, when that cost is spread out over time, generators cost far less than both cylinders and bulk liquid deliveries.
  • Safer. Whereas any gas under pressure in a cylinder or in large volume liquid tanks can be dangerous, nitrogen generators are overall safer for a trained worker operating the equipment.
  • Consistent purity levels. Nitrogen generators produce high-purity nitrogen at consistent purity levels.

Pre-Purchase Considerations

When trying to determine whether a nitrogen generator is right for your business, start by assessing your nitrogen needs, including how often your business needs nitrogen, at what flow rate and pressure, and at what purity. Understanding the installation requirements can help as well, although your representative at On Site Gas Systems will help you with this.

Finally, it’s important to conduct an initial investment and a cost-benefit analysis. Speaking to an account specialist at On Site Gas Systems can help you determine the cost of a nitrogen generator system, so you can determine whether the one-time cost of a nitrogen generator will help your business save money over time.

Routine Maintenance for Nitrogen Generators

Maintaining your nitrogen generator may not require a lot from your business, but it’s still important to engage in regular maintenance routines.

  • Shut the generator down when you’re done with it. Always follow the shut down procedure when you’re finished using the nitrogen generator. This encourages a long lifespan for your machine.
  • Clean the equipment regularly. Cleaning the equipment monthly can help keep debris from the parts.
  • Change the system filters as indicated in the manual. Follow the manual instructions to ensure that your nitrogen generator filters are changed as often as required and according to the instructions in the manual.
  • Keep a record of system maintenance. Recording system maintenance helps you track how often your system is being serviced.

Long-Term Care and Management

Keep up with software updates and technological advancements to ensure that your generator is properly maintained. Check the gauges with each use to ensure that your nitrogen generator is producing nitrogen at the desired purity, pressure, and flow. Finally, re-calibrate your generator as often as indicated in the manual.

Costs Associated with Maintenance

Performing ongoing maintenance doesn’t have to be very costly. Train people at your workplace to perform as much in-house maintenance as possible.

Order Your Custom Nitrogen Generator from On Site Gas Systems

Nitrogen generator systems are a wise investment for businesses that require a steady, reliable supply of nitrogen. Maintenance and associated costs for these systems are relatively low, and can save your business a lot of money over time. Want to know more about getting a nitrogen generator for your business? Contact On Site Gas Systems to speak with one of our professionals about our membrane and PSA N2 generators.