It is our priority to provide clients with high-quality, world-class nitrogen generating systems with proper care and maintenance services. Nitrogen generators are a cost-effective solution when compared to other systems, and when cared for, can continue producing nitrogen with accuracy and efficiency for decades.

Regular maintenance and upkeep should always be performed to ensure your generator is working correctly. Our experienced technicians at On Site Gas understand that completing basic upkeep on your nitrogen generating system is necessary. That is why we incorporate several easy procedures into our process that will help enhance the lifespan of your product. Following these six steps will help keep your nitrogen generator system functioning for as long as possible:

1. Keep the Equipment Clean

The first step to maintaining your nitrogen generator is always keeping it clean. Use a damp cloth to clean all parts carefully. While doing so, make sure to avoid contact with the nitrogen generator system’s electrical components.

2. Check Status Gauges and Indicators

There is a control panel visible on the front of nitrogen generators. Check the status of both the gauges and indicators to confirm the nitrogen generating system is functioning as it should. Ensure the system has no leaks and look over the quality of the inlet air, too.

3. Shut the Nitrogen Generator Down After Use

Follow the guidelines in your nitrogen generating system’s maintenance manual to properly shut the unit down after every use. This will help improve your nitrogen generator’s lifespan.

4. Regularly Change the System’s Filters

Many nitrogen generator systems use a combination of carbon and coalescing filtration. Carefully look at the instructions in your nitrogen generator system’s manual to change these filters and discard elements according to the waste disposal procedures utilized by your company.

5. Restart the Nitrogen Generating System

After changing the filters, restart the equipment. Again, check your nitrogen generator system’s manual to ensure you follow the proper start-up procedure.

6. Replace Your Oxygen Sensor and Valve

Typically, your nitrogen generator’s oxygen sensor needs to be replaced every three years. The frequency in which you change it will depend on the number of hours the nitrogen generator is in use. We recommend that an experienced service technician from On Site Gas perform this procedure for you.

Choose On Site Gas For Your System’s Maintenance Needs

Our nitrogen gas generating systems are used all over the world. There are many reasons why companies choose equipment such as pressure swing adsorption (PSA) nitrogen generators. One being more cost-effective than other systems while allowing you continuous access and a steady supply of your gas without a delivery contract. Systems including nitrogen membrane generators also employ energy-saving tactics, eliminate the need for potentially hazardous cryogenic liquids, and are an overall more versatile option than other delivery systems.

The experts at On Site Gas are always ready to answer any questions about maintaining your nitrogen generating system. Contact us today to learn more about what we do or purchasing refurbished generators.

Environmental Benefits (and Impact) of Producing and Using Nitrogen Gas

To become environmentally friendly is important on both an individual and company level. More and more consumers focus on improving our earth by being energy-efficient, and they want to support businesses who do the same. A smart, eco-friendly change companies can take part in is using nitrogen gas. There are many benefits of nitrogen, and several ways companies can become greener by using a nitrogen generator instead of relying on cylinder deliveries. Here’s how your business can help the environment by using On Site Gas nitrogen generating systems:

Eliminate Food Preservatives When Using Nitrogen Gas

The food packing industry can help cut back on food waste and harmful chemicals by switching to a nitrogen generating system. With the introduction of nitrogen gas, many chemical preservatives can be eliminated. When nitrogen is used to vacuum seal food products, the oxygen is displaced. Since bacteria cannot live without oxygen, these products’ shelf life is extended, and unnecessary food waste is eliminated.

Shrink Your Carbon Footprint by Removing Delivery Trucks

If your company is still using nitrogen cylinders, it means that delivery trucks transport both your new and used cylinders to and from your company. Over time, that adds up to a lot of large delivery trucks out on the road. Using nitrogen generating systems from On Site Gas, you can eliminate the need for regular deliveries. This simple step is enough to reduce the impact of your carbon footprint.

Cut Back Energy Used to Create Nitrogen Gas at a Plant

Before they can be used in your business, nitrogen cylinders are created in a commercial plant using a process called cryogenic air separation. This process uses a considerable amount of energy and generates excessive amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2). These CO2 emissions are then distributed into the air, contributing to our atmosphere’s greenhouse gases. By switching to a nitrogen generator, you can lessen your nitrogen gas carbon footprint by reducing the need for these high polluting plants.

Reduce Product Waste With A Nitrogen Generator

When you switch to nitrogen generation production, there are no other cylinders to dispose of. While nitrogen cylinders can be reused, they eventually become ineffective and must be replaced. Since these cylinders cannot be recycled, they have nowhere to go but to a landfill. Additionally, when they are full of nitrogen gas, the gas slowly seeps out of the container, wasting up to 10% of the product before you can use it. This means that you can eliminate both wasted nitrogen and used cylinder waste by switching to nitrogen generating systems. You can reduce waste by purchasing refurbished nitrogen equipment, too, which cuts back on production materials and emissions.

The highly skilled technicians On Site Gas are always ready to answer questions on nitrogen membrane generators, specialty nitrogen container equipment, and all other nitrogen generation systems. Contact us today to learn more about how to reduce your company’s carbon footprint.